General Terms & Conditions
These General Terms & Conditions together with the Registration Form signed by you, when you arrive in our hotel with its Special Terms as well as our Privacy Policy constitute the entire agreement between our hotel company (hereinafter the “Hotel” or “us”) and our customers (hereinafter “Customer/s”, “Guest/s” or “you”). These General Terms & Conditions are published in our official website. When you sign the Registration Form upon arrival to our hotels, you automatically agree and accept all provisions of the Agreement as valid and binding for you and your guests that will stay in our hotel.
Our hotels Hotel Kentrikon, Lagadia 4 Seasons Hotel and Lagadia Resort, (Maniatis family) located in Lagadia Arcadias or any other place we may have presence in the future.
Hotel (or “us” or “we”): is the hotel company and the hotel establishment, where you will be provided with accommodation services and other related facilities according to the Agreement.
Customer: is the person who orders services from the Hotel and who signs the Registration Form, when arriving at the Hotel.
Guests (or “you”): is the Customer and the other persons who will stay in the ordered by the Customer room or rooms of our Hotel.
Agreement: is the agreement between the Hotel on one hand and the Customer and the Guests on the other for the provision of accommodation and all other related services and facilities provided during your stay in the Hotel, excluding third party services. The Agreement includes these General Terms and Conditions, the Registration Form with its Special Terms and the Privacy Statement as well as the Privacy Policy.
Third Parties: are independent companies and contractors that are allowed by Maniatis Hotels to provide independently services, called Third Party Services, to our Guests.
Third Party Services: are services provided by Third Parties, such as indicatively excursions, tours, vehicle leasing, taxi or transportation services, sports, ski and other water sports as well as any other services billed directly by the Third Party or indirectly by the Hotel and provided by an independent company or person, who is not an employee of the Hotel.
Booking Agents: are tour operators, travel agents as well as any third party that, either directly or through an internet platform or any other type of internet means, telephone or other, arranges for a booking in our hotels, so as for you to be able to receive accommodation services by us.
Booking Confirmation: is the acceptance by the Hotel of the Customer’s booking request, which includes pricing, rates, arrival and departure dates, number of guests, number of rooms and all other facilities provided to the Customer and the Guests that will accompany him or her.
General Terms & Conditions: can be found in
Privacy Policy: can be found in
Registration Form: the document signed by the Customer at check in and send to the Customer’s email by electronic means.
Privacy Statement: Annex of the Registration Form, also send to the Customer’s email by electronic means.
Our Hotels provide services as articulated in our official website, our mobile application and these General Terms and Conditions, such as accommodation services. During their stay our Guests are able to use a variety of facilities and services, either ours or provided by Third Parties, as well as our food and beverages services, which are all articulated in our website and the Booking Confirmation. Except as expressly mentioned in our official website, the Agreement and the Booking Confirmation, no other services or facilities are provided by the Hotel to the Customers and Guests.
3.1. Anyone can make a booking, either directly with our Hotels, through our website, our mobile application or any other procedure adopted by Maniatis Hotels for this reason or through Booking Agents. In case that the Customer makes a booking through a Booking Agent, the Hotel shall not be responsible or liable for services that such Booking Agent promised, if such services are not included in the official web site ( or for terms and rates that such Booking Agent did not have the authorization to provide to you.
3.2. In order to make a booking in Maniatis Hotels you need to be over 18 years old of age. In case you are under this age, your parents can make a booking on your behalf, in which case your parents or someone over 18 needs to accompany you during your stay in our Hotel. In any event, in case of booking by using a valid credit or debit card, the owner of such card needs to be present with you.
3.3. Customer is responsible to provide his personal data, as requested during the booking process, which shall be true and accurate and as imprinted in the Customer’s identification card or passport. In addition, Customer is obliged to keep his contact details updated, as necessary, in order to be able to provide our services and execute this Agreement. The Hotel will not have any liability to make notifications to the Customer relating to this Agreement, if the Customer’s contact details are false, misleading or outdated and the Customer is not possible to be reached, in which case it is hereby agreed by the Customer that he or she waives his or her right for notifications.
3.4. It is not possible to book a specific room in any hotel, except if this is explicitly stipulated in the Booking Confirmation. The Customer is able to book a specific type of room from a list of types of rooms found in official website or our mobile application.
3.5. Your booking request is reviewed and if approved, Maniatis Hotels will send you a Booking Confirmation. In case you make a booking through a Booking Agent) you will receive a booking voucher. A valid booking voucher that is within the agreement that Maniatis Hotels have with such Booking Agent, shall be considered as an equal to a Booking Confirmation. Maniatis Hotels will not be obligated to provide accommodation services to you, if you have not received a Booking Confirmation.
4.1. You may pay for your stay in our Hotels with all available methods, such as cash, credit card, ebanking, money transfer or any other method to be accepted by us in the future. Out payment policy is the following:
For Non Refundable Rates, upon reservation, the full amount will be charged on your credit card, which will be non-refundable in case of cancellation, modification or non-show.
For Flexible Rates, a credit card guarantee is required, in order to secure your reservation. The Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize credit cards prior to the Guest’s arrival. The credit card will be charged only if cancellation fees are applicable, based on the Hotel’s cancellation policy.
Our payment policy is presented in our website and will, also, be provided during the booking procedure relating to your specific order submitted through our web tools and platform or Booking Agents or their platforms. A specific payment policy may be provided in the Customer’s Booking Confirmation.
4.2. In order to provide you with special offers or discounts, we may request that you pay in advance part or the whole amount of the billable charges for your booking. In such case, we may not provide you with a Booking Confirmation, if you have not paid this amount within the timeframe provided.
4.3. In case you pay through a credit card the Hotel has the right to request at your arrival that you show your credit card in the front desk. If you deny showing your credit card or if the name written in the credit card is not the same as the Customer’s, then the Hotel can immediately cancel the Booking Confirmation and refuse to provide to you and your Guests accommodation services. In such case, you may pay cash and the Hotel will not cancel your Booking Confirmation. In case the name in the credit card is different than the Customer’s and the credit card owner is present and willing to become the Customer, then the Hotel will provide accommodation services as long as the credit card owner signs the Registration Form.
4.4. In order to provide a Booking Confirmation, our Hotels will usually request that a deposit is paid in the Hotel’s account or charged in your credit card on behalf of the Hotel. If your booking is made through a Booking Agent, such deposit will be included in such Booking Agent’s billing voucher. In case you are not present in the Hotel at the arrival date mentioned in the Booking Confirmation and you do not use our accommodation services or you do not inform us accordingly, then the Hotel will keep the aforementioned deposits as reimbursement and be free to offer the room or rooms kept for the Customer to any third party.
4.5. Our cancelation policy is the following:
For Non Refundable Rates, no free cancellation is allowed for these rates. If the booking is cancelled or modified or in case of non-show of the Customer and his or her Guests, an amount equal to the 100% of the booking rates will be charged as cancellation fees.
For Flexible Rates, cancellation policies may vary, depending on the Hotel’s policy and the dates of your reservation.
Our cancelation policy is, also, provided in our website, our mobile application, as well as during the booking process, relating to your specific order, either through our booking tools and platform or through the platforms of Booking Agents. The specific cancellation policy for your approved products and services is included in the Customer’s Booking Confirmation. For bookings with Flexible Rates, if the aforementioned documents do not mention our cancellation policy, the Hotel will have the right to keep your deposit, if you do not inform us that you wish to cancel your booking, more than 21 days before the date of your arrival (check-in) as provided for in your Booking Confirmation. However, in case that the booking with Flexible Rates is accompanied with special offers and discounts, the Hotel will have the right to keep the full amount of the deposit.
4.6. In case you want to change your booking or your arrival and departure dates (check in & check out), you must send your request to the Hotel. The Hotel is not obliged to accept such request and this will depend on the Hotel’s availability, the dates you initially booked and other factors. In addition, this may entail extra charges, which will be communicated to you. In case the Hotel accepts your request and you approve any additional charges that may apply, you will receive an updated Booking Confirmation. Only an updated Booking Confirmation shall be considered as valid approval of a change of booking or a change in arrival and departure dates on behalf of the Hotel.
4.7. The Customer is obliged to pay the Overnight Stay Tax that is imposed by the Greek Government. The Overnight Stay Tax will be payable by guests when checking in and is based on the official rating of the accommodation, as follows:
5 Star Hotels: 4.00€ per room per night
4 Star Hotels: 3.00€ per room per night
3 Star Hotels: 1.50€ per room per night
1-2 Star Hotels: 0.50€ per room per night
Payment can be made by cash or credit card.
4.8. Any other charges for additional services provided during the Guest’s stay will be either paid immediately or debited to each room’s account. The Customer shall settle in full the accounts of all rooms booked by him before departure. The Hotel shall provide the Customer with the relevant invoice that will indicate the respective charges in detail.
5.1. Check in & check out hours are mentioned in our website, our mobile application and the Booking Confirmation. In case, there is no relevant mention in such documents, then Customers and Guests can check in at or after 14:00 and shall check out by 12:00.
5.2. The Hotel is not obliged to provide accommodation to the Customer and the Guests before 14:00 (early check in). The Customer may agree with the Hotel otherwise, in which case an additional charge may apply. If the Customer accepts such charge, then the Hotel will send an amended Booking Confirmation. Any derogation from the aforementioned check in & check out hours can only be binding upon the Hotel a) if it is stipulated in the Booking Confirmation or b) if such change is requested during the Guests stay, only when the Hotel manager has provided his approval and the Customer has paid the relevant additional charge.
5.3. In case the Customer and his or her Guests do not depart from the room or rooms booked by 12:00 at the date of departure (late check out), the Hotel will have the right to impose an extra charge, depending on the time the Customer and his or her Guests actually departed from the room or rooms. If the room is evacuated by the Customer and his or her Guests before 18:00 of the same date, then the Customer will be obliged to pay an amount equal to the 50% of the rate of that room for this date. If the room is evacuated by the Customer and his or her Guests after 18:00 of the same date, then the Customer will be obliged to pay an amount equal to the 100% of the rate of that room for this date.
In case you lose any items, valuables or property during your stay in our Hotel, you should immediately inform the front desk of the Hotel. For our Guests convenience we keep all lost items, valuables or property found for a period of one (1) month, after the date our personnel found them. In case we find any items and valuables, we have no obligation to contact our Guests, in order to inform them accordingly. If we are not notified by our Guests that they have lost specific items, valuables or property within one (1) month from their departure (check out date), our Hotel will not have any obligation to return them, since it is our policy to dispose any such lost items, valuables and property that are found in our Hotel after one (1) month. In case of any return of lost items, valuables and property to you, the postage or courier costs will be born by you.
The Hotel is not responsible for any stolen valuables, items or other property of our Guests. It is your obligation to protect your property and keep your valuables safe. We encourage our Guests to lock their rooms at all times that they are not present. In order to facilitate you, we, also, provide a safe deposit box in every room of our Hotel. Our Guests shall immediately inform the front desk of the Hotel, in case of stolen goods, property or valuables, so as to notify the police as early as possible.
Our Guests are responsible for any damage caused to the Hotel room or any furniture and equipment therein as well as the hotel establishment due to any act or omission attributable to them or their invitees. In such case, the Customer shall be jointly liable with his or her Guests and invitees. If such damage is detected after the Guests have departed, our Hotel reserves the right to make a charge to the Customer’s credit or debit card, in which case, our Hotel reserves the right to charge the Customer with the cost of replacing any items that were damaged or removed without consent from the Hotel by the Customer, his or her Guests or invitees. The charge will be the full replacement amount of the missing or damaged item, furniture or equipment.
9.1. The Hotel is responsible to provide the accommodation services to its Guests as provided for in its website, our mobile application and the Booking Confirmation, diligently and professionally, showing the appropriate responsibility expected from any quality hotel around the world. The Hotel has in place a strict and high quality health & security policy, particularly with regard to its food and beverages provided in the Hotel. Our Hotels comply with all mandatory provisions of health and safety regulations and legislation in Greece. In addition, we adopt all appropriate standards and acquire certifications for health and safety, so as for our Guests to feel at all times secure and comfortable in our hotels and enjoy high standards of services.
10.1. Guests shall behave properly, be decent and use good manners during their stay in our Hotels. In order to respect the right of all guests of Maniatis Hotels to be able to make proper use of all facilities of the hotels, our Guests are required to follow dress codes when using certain facilities of the Hotel, such as restaurants, in which case the Hotel’s employees may deny access to Guests that do not comply with such codes. Guests shall not behave inappropriately, make noises that annoy other guests or do any harm or inflict any injury to or insult third parties, indicatively Hotel employees or other guests of the Hotel. The Hotel may deny access to its facilities, rooms or establishment to Guests that do not comply with the aforementioned rules as well as appropriate hygiene standards or have consumed much alcohol that leads to inappropriate behavior. In case of death, injury or other damage thereof attributable to specific Guests, the Hotel may provide their data details to the police, in order to initiate relevant prosecution procedures and they will be responsible to indemnify and hold our Hotel harmless from and against any claims, actions or damages claimed by any third party or employee due to their actions.
10.2. It is not allowed to bring pets or animals in our Hotels expect of some type of rooms. In certain cases, we may allow for service dogs or other derogations to this policy, as long as a relevant request has been made to the Hotel, has been approved by us and has been included in the Booking Confirmation.
10.3. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Hotel, including all rooms, public areas, elevators, corridors, lounge, lobby, breakfast and restaurant areas. When in open spaces outside the Hotel or in balconies, Guests are advised to avoid smoking near other guests, in a manner that would disturb their stay and enjoying our facilities and services.
10.4. Our Hotels do not provide parking for the Guests’ vehicles. In case the Hotel provides such parking facility, it is agreed and accepted upon that the Hotel will not be responsible for the safety of the Guests’ vehicles and that the Guest shall have in place relevant insurance, in order to cover damages to the vehicle, its destruction or theft.
10.5. You may consume foods and beverages included in the mini bar of your room, in which case your room will be charged with the price of each item consumed. A price lists for mini bar items can be found in your room as well as useful information about room service. For special requirements you may notify the room service or the front desk of the Hotel.
10.6. Guests are not allowed to bring their own food and beverages in the Hotel. In case of illness, poisoning, salmonella or other disease caused by the use of food and beverages you brought in the Hotel, you are responsible to immediately inform the front desk of the Hotel and keep the Hotel harmless from and against any claim by any third party for damages caused due to such diseases being transmitted to any other guests or employees of the Hotel.
10.7. You are not allowed to sublet the room provided to you by our Hotel nor can you provide accommodation in such room to any third party. At your arrival you are obliged to declare the exact number of guests that will be staying in the rooms that you have booked. No additional guests are allowed, except if this has been approved by the manager of the Hotel, in which case an additional charge may be applicable.
10.8. In case a Guest has a physical or mental disability the Customer has to inform the Hotel before Booking Confirmation or at least five (5) business days before check in. If the Hotel is not informed that a Guest has a physical disability, then the Hotel shall have no liability towards the Customer or such Guest for the latter not being able to use the Hotel facilities or use properly the Hotel services in whole or in part and the Customer will still have to pay the full amount of the fees applicable for his or her booking. For Guests with mental disabilities it is required that they are accompanied by a professional medical assistant or doctor that will be able to provide the necessary treatment, if required, otherwise the Hotel may cancel the Booking Confirmation for such Guest, with no obligation to return the deposit.
10.9. In case the Hotel provides wi-fi services, you are obliged to comply with the wi-fi appropriate usage policy, provided to you electronically during their activation. Indicatively, you may not use such services for unlawful or fraudulent acts, for defamation, insults to third parties, infringement of intellectual property rights or proceed in any other act that will lead to denial of service. In addition, Guests are obliged to respect privacy and comply with all applicable legislation, regulations and guidelines for the protection of personal data during the use of such wi-fi services. The Hotel may temporarily or permanently suspend the provision of wi-fi services to Guests that do not comply with their legal obligations or the Hotel’s wi-fi appropriate usage policy, without any further notification. In this case, the Guest shall refer to the front desk of the Hotel and the wi-fi services can be restored with the prior approval of the manager of the Hotel. The Hotel may, also, temporarily suspend the provision of wi-fi services for maintenance, support of its systems or or updates & upgrades & upgrades thereof, in which case the Hotel can not be held liable against its Guests for the unavailability of wi-fi services for any reason whatsoever, since you understand and acknowledge that this constitutes a legal and valid reason for the unavailability of wi-fi services for a limited duration.
10.10. In case you have a complaint, you are encouraged to bring this to the attention of the manager of the Hotel or the front desk during your stay there. Otherwise, it is possible that the Hotel may not be able to examine your complaint, if it is submitted after your departure. In any event, the Hotel is not obliged to review or answer to any complaint that is submitted more than six (6) months after the Guest has checked out, in which case you waive your rights to submit such complaint to any competed administrative authority or Court.
The Hotel may cancel any Booking Confirmation or any booking whatsoever at any time and at no cost or reimbursement owed to the Customer or its Guests. Indicatively, the Hotel may cancel any booking in case:
11.1 The Customer has provided false or misleading information regarding his or her personal identification data and contact details.
11.2 The Customer or his or her Guests infringe any provision of this Agreement, which are all considered material.
11.3 The Hotel has reasonable grounds to assume that the use of accommodation services may endanger the hotel operation, the security or the image of the hotel in public without being attributed to the territory and/or organization of the hotel.
In all aforementioned cases the Hotel has the right o keep the deposit paid by the Customer as reimbursement.
Maniatis Hotels collaborates with Booking Agents, in order to promote its accommodation services and increase the number of its hotel bookings. Nevertheless, Maniatis Hotels and the Hotel are independent contractors and have no authority or control over them. In this context, we conclude agreements with such Booking Agents but we can not be bound by promises made by them that go beyond what is provided in our website or our mobile application or deviate significantly from our capabilities and rates. In this context, if such third parties promised products or services not provided in our official website or our mobile application or rates that have not been included in our agreements, then we may not be held liable for such misrepresentations or false promises made by Booking Agents.
Our Hotels allow Third Parties to provide services to our Guests, such as indicatively activities, sports, ski or other water sports, excursions, tours, transportation and any other related services. Such Third Party Services are charged extra by these Third Parties, either directly or in certain cases they are charged by the Hotel on behalf of those Third Parties or through our internet platforms. Our Hotels have no control over such Third Parties, which are independent companies nor can we impose them specific policies and obligations. However, we encourage them to have in place valid insurance policies and adopt appropriate safety policies. Our Guests may use such Third Party Services on their own free will, choice and responsibility. Maniatis Hotels and the Hotel shall not be held liable for any damage, injury or accident any Guest may incur by using such Third Party Services.
We collect, use, share, store and process your personal data for many reasons, such as in accordance to Greek Law and Police directives, in order to be able to provide you accommodation and other services and collect charges. With your consent we may, also, collect, use, share, store and process your personal data pertaining to your preferences, choices, conduct, comments and recommendations, in order to provide you with improved and personalized services, as well as provide you with newsletters, marketing and other promotional material, featured specials, send relevant messages or carry out satisfaction & customer surveys. All relevant issues pertaining to our processing activities as well as your rights according to the applicable data protection legislation are articulated in further detail in our Privacy Policy and the Privacy Statement, attached as an Annex to the Registration Form.
This policy contains an analysis of the personal data we collect for you, the hotel customers, meaning all the information which identify you or can identify you directly or indirectly, the manner of collecting and protecting it, the manner and purpose of processing it, as well as your rights according to the legislation in force on the protection of data, the General Regulation for the Protection of Data (EU) 2016/679 (henceforth “GRPD”), as well as the remaining European and National Legislation.
Υπεύθυνoι Επεξεργασίας των Προσωπικών Δεδομένων είναι οι Μανιάτης Αθανάσιος του Βασιλείου και Μανιάτης Βασίλειος του Αθανασίου για τις εταιρίες ΜΑΝΙΑΤΗΣ ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΣ ΜΕ ΑΦΜ 041453668 ΚΑΙ ΑΘ ΜΑΝΙΑΤΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ ΟΕ ΜΕ ΑΦΜ 800100707 αντίστοιχα.Η παρούσα πολιτική αφορά μόνον τους πελάτες του ξενοδοχείου
Information on the type of personal data we collect :
Obligatorily :
Personal Data : indicatively full name, type and number of ID document (e.g. passport, police ID), phone number, residence address, e-mail (if the booking is made electronically), date of birth, nationality etc. credit card number and if an invoice is requested indicatively AFM (taxpayers IDno) and Tax Office
Invoicing Data : credit card number and if an invoice is requested indicatively AFM (taxpayers IDno) and Tax Office
Date of arrival and departure, type and number of residence
Optionally :
Your preferences : such as non-smoking room, preferred floor, type of bed, or religious or other particularities, flight number
Medical data relevant to your health, for example food or other allergies, mobility issues, which are collected and recorded following your request, to provide you with the best services possible.
e-mail : if the booking is not made electronically and you wish to communicate with us by email.
We also process the following data :
called phone numbers through the call center,
information/images taken through CCTV operating lawfully on our premises for reasons of security and protection of individuals and goods, for which you are informed upon entering these areas from signposts.
When you visit our website, our web server records automatically data relevant to your visit (for example your IP address, the type of browser you use, the website pages you visit, the date and duration of your visit, location details), while it is it is possible that cookies are placed on your computer or your smart device every time you visit us on the internet (see below).
Your personal data, collected in the manner described above, is used:
To provide residence, F&B and beauty services, as well as to carry out events from the hotel.
To process the financial transactions between us.
To comply with the obligations imposed by the individual legislation in force and our taxation obligations (e.g. issuance of invoice or receipt).
For the creation and your registration to the loyalty program, so that with your agreement and consent, to set up a profile and also to be able to contact and inform you about the current commercial activities (marketing and promotional), so you can participate in contests, lotteries, entertainment events and free benefits or offers. The manner of communication depends on your special selection, based on your written consent and finally,
To create statistical monitoring data and deduce conclusions in order to choose the best commercial practices for customer satisfaction and rewarding.
Collecting and processing the mandatory personal data carried out during your stay at the hotel, as well as providing any service to you, is based on the customer and hotel relationship, according with the legislative and regulative provisions in force, as well as the room rental agreement concluded between us and the provision of services.
The collection and processing of the optional personal data conducted for commercial reasons is based on your written consent for the aforementioned purposes and therefore similarly no legality issues exist for their processing since each customer has already been sufficiently informed.
Any further collection and processing of personal data is lawful if it is imposed for general vested interest purposes or in order to harmonize our operation with the National or EU legislation
We will keep and process your Personal Data for the purposes mentioned above only for as long as it is necessary based on agreement or based on the legislation in force. To determine the suitable period of keeping the data we take into consideration also the quantity, the nature and sensitivity of personal data, as well as the time periods for which it may be necessary to keep the data to deal with any requests / disputes / controls and to protect our lawful rights in the case of any claims.
The personal data provided by customers to the hotel is entered on computer systems which provide sufficient security and are used by specially trained and authorized employees (users), in order to achieve the maximum possible protection of the recorded data, in the modern digital environment.
The safety and protection of all data is strengthened with the use and coexistence of additional programs for their safety.
Furthermore we implement strict organizational measures and procedures for the protection of the personal data from possible distortion, loss, not stipulated or illegal processing, on the one hand with the installation of servers on the building premises, where limited and controlled access is permitted, and on the other hand with the provision of limited user rights to the absolutely minimum necessary access level.
Communicating personal data to third parties
In the context of exercising our business activities, it may be necessary to provide limited personal data to third parties, with fully defined exclusive purpose. It concerns cases of specialized services provided to the hotel by third parties, specifically for mass communication of our promotional activities to you – our customers – through sms and emails. To be informed about any offers etc. you must provide first your explicit consent as described above. Therefore, it is not a case where all the personal data is provided, notably the data which is not necessary for the provision of the aforementioned service that we ask to be provided from the third parties concerned. The provision of data is governed by a prior written agreement between the hotel and the third parties on the condition that they make a commitment to implement the data protection policy and undertake the responsibilities arising from our legislation.
Furthermore the hotel, like any other company, may be mandated to provide personal data to the competent State, Judicial, Police etc. authorities, in the case of summons, search warrant, other judicial procedure, conformity with court, regulative or administrative decisions, in cases of protecting and defending the company itself, its managers, directors and employees, as well as its associate lawyers when lawsuits, claims or disputes are filed. Also we cooperate with third parties (service providers for the management of our webpage, maintenance of our call center, control and management of our information systems etc.), all of whom ensure the confidentiality of our data and provide the relevant guarantees for its protection and safety with written agreements between us.
It is possible to send information which concern you to third parties or/and exchange information, in the context of managing your reservation, when travel agencies, tourist agents or online accommodation booking service providers through which you book a room electronically / online, intervene.
Customer rights/ Procedure of exercising them
You may exercise your rights in writing through the Subject Access Request Form which you can find at the Hotel Reception and you can submit it in person, or send it by post or send it at which your certified signature. Rights are exercised free of charge unless the request is obviously unfounded or exaggerated.
You can submit any other question relevant to your personal data to the DPO, as mentioned above.
To process the request to exercise your right, a procedure is followed which includes necessarily an ID check.
Similarly, our legislation provides the right to submit a denunciation to the competent Data Protection Authority,
15.1. Except as specifically and explicitly provided in the Agreement, our Hotels and the Hotel do not make and expressly disclaim any representations or warranties, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or any warranties arising out of the course of performance.
15.2. The Hotel’s liability is set out and governed by the terms and conditions included in the Agreement. In any case, the Hotel shall under no circumstances be liable towards the Customer and the Guests for indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages, including loss of income or opportunity. The Hotel’s liability under this Agreement shall be limited to the amounts actually paid by the Customer for accommodation services during their stay, when the relevant incident took place.
15.3. In case of proven harm, injury or damages incurred by any Guest due to the Hotel’s or it’s employees proven fraudulent, intentional or willful acts or due to their gross negligence, the Hotel may be found liable to reimburse the Guest thereof by competent courts. In such case, the Hotel’s liability may not exceed the amount of five thousand Euros (€ 5.000) as full compensation for any and all damages and harm incurred by such Guest.
15.4. In case of any complaint, damage or injury or any other type of claim against the Hotel, the Guest must inform the Hotel accordingly as soon as possible and in no event later than one (1) year after the Guest’s departure from the Hotel or the occurrence of such event that gave rise to the claim or complaint. After such period, it is acknowledged that the Hotel will have no liability towards its Guest and be released of any such liability and the Guest waives his or her right to make any claim or initiate any administrative or court proceeding against either the Hotel or Maniatis Hotels in general.
16.1. A „Force Majeure Event“ means war or terrorist activity (including cyber attack), riots, civil commotion, nuclear accident or act of God (including flood, storms, tampest, earthquakes or lightning), strikes, action taken by government, fire or serious explosion, malicious damage, diseases, a pandemic or any other situation out of the control of our Hotels.
16.2. If the performance of any accommodation or other service by the Hotel is prevented or its obligations can not be performed by reason of any, or any combination, of the Force Majeure Events, the Hotel shall be entitled at its sole and exclusive choice to either cancel the Booking Confirmation and return the deposit to the Customer or provide the opportunity to the Customer to change the date of his or her booking at a later time, after the Hotel’s approval or transfer the booking to another Maniatis Hotel, provided, in both cases, that the Customer is notified within reasonable time of the occurrence and nature of the Force Majeure Event.
16.3. In addition, the Hotel may, at its sole and exclusive choice, either cancel the Booking Confirmation and return the deposit to the Customer or provide the opportunity to the Customer to change the date of his or her booking at a later time, after the Hotel’s approval or transfer the booking to another Maniatis Hotel, in the following cases:
The whole or a significant part of the Hotel establishment, where the booked rooms are situated shall undergo urgent or mandatory maintenance; or
There is a failure to supply the Hotel with gas, electricity, water or electronic communications that is outside of the Hotel’s control; or
In order to prevent or limit a pandemic or the spread of any other decease or any other health and safety threat.
17.1. The Customer and the Guests may not assign or transfer to any third party any rights or obligations under this Agreement or this Agreement or the Booking Confirmation, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Hotel.
17.2. No waiver by our Hotels of any breach of any provision of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of any other breach of that or any other provision of this Agreement. Except as otherwise set forth in this Agreement, no failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any rights, remedy, power, or privilege arising from this Agreement by our Hotels or the Hotel will operate or be construed as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, remedy, power, or privilege hereunder by our Hotels or the Hotel shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, remedy, power, or privilege of our Hotels or the Hotel.
17.3. In the event that any of the provisions of these General Terms & Conditions are held to be unenforceable, invalid or illegal, the remaining provisions of these General Terms & Conditions will remain in full force and effect and our Hotels will have to amend such unenforceable, invalid or illegal provisions, so as to be valid, legal and enforceable.
17.4. No amendment to or modification of or rescission, termination, or discharge of this Agreement is effective, unless it is in writing and approved by the Hotel. We may modify these General Terms & Conditions from time to time. If we do so, we will post the revised version here and change the “Last Updated Version” date (the date it applies from) at the end of this document. Consequently, we recommend that you consult them as published in our official web site regularly, particularly when making a reservation at one of our hotels.
17.5. This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted and construed in accordance with the Laws of Greece, without regard to any conflicts of law’s provisions or principles. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, its interpretation, execution or validity, is hereby submitted to the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Athens – Greece.